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Author Archives: James Rudd
Moodle: Bulk Deletion Operations
At the recent CC day some people asked about bulk deletion of users and courses. Moodle 1.9 beta now supports bulk user operations, such as deleting, sending messages or confirming the account. You can use a filter to easily select … Continue reading
CC Day T4 2007: Installing and Using Moodle
This was very similar to a previous presentation given as part of the Tech KNOW Tour. However the Using Moodle presentation has some slight additions from Paul for a more technical audience and the spoken part of my presentation concentrated … Continue reading
Posted in Moodle
Tagged Active Directory, Delete, DET, Email, Gallery, Ganderton, LDAP, Mac OS, Moodle, Novell, Presentation, School, SMTP
Changing MSI filename in a Zenworks Application Object
In ConsoleOne it is relatively easy to change the path to an MSI but much more difficult to change the file name of the MSI itself. A trick is to install a second copy of ConsoleOne without any plugins. (I … Continue reading